Selasa, 03 April 2012


Picture 5: Station IV Mary sees Jesus with the Cross. He meets His Blessed Mother.

*Gambar 5: Perhentian IV dimana Maria melihat dan menemui Yesus.


Picture 6: And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his Cross [Matthew 27: 32]

*Gambar 6: Perhentian V dimana Simon Kirene dipaksa memikul salib Yesus [Matius 27: 32]

Source ibid.

Picture 7: Christ’s face is wiped by Veronica.

*Gambar 7: Perhentian VI dimana Veronika menghapus darah dan keringat Yesus.

Source ibid.

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